Regulation of Crypto-Finance

Regulation of Crypto-Finance is a research project led by Dr Mikołaj Barczentewicz. We aim to tackle difficult questions on the intersection of law and crypto-finance, helping the crypto community and policymakers to find policy solutions to issues in decentralised finance (DeFi) and in custodial or centralised crypto-finance.

If you are an economist or a crypto data wizard, you may be interested in our suggestions for projects with great potential for impact on regulation.

Market abuse and fairness

Crypto-finance not only reproduced old methods of market abuse (e.g. simple fraud, “pump and dump” schemes), but also created opportunities for novel kinds of potentially abusive behavior. We investigate which behaviors (e.g. types of “MEV”) should be considered as abusive and how the regulators should respond.

Legally credible neutrality

“Infrastructural” participants of blockchain networks (e.g., miners, validators, and node operators) have varying degrees of freedom in performing their functions. They make choices for which they could be legally liable. Our focus is on the question what kind of legal liability is and should be attached to such network participants?

Trade execution and finality in DeFi

The purpose of this project is to research how the law (especially EU law) should understand transaction execution and transaction (settlement) finality on Ethereum.

Financial privacy

Legally required financial surveillance is often in tension with the fundamental right to privacy. This is especially true in crypto-finance, where the problem is amplified by transparency of public blockchains. We explore the tension between privacy rights and law enforcement.

Market supervision using public data

It is often argued that at least some transparency-oriented regulatory tools used in “traditional finance” are not needed in DeFi, because DeFi is by design much more transparent, especially on Ethereum. This is likely true to some extent, but not enough attention has been devoted so far to investigating both the promise and the limitations of this approach.